Thursday, November 19, 2009

A long day and some warm bread

After a long day it seemed fitting that I should relax with a nice cup of tea and a slice of warm Amish Friendship Bread that had cooled enough to be eaten. After all, I had gotten up early to go to the dentist that morning, put in eight hours at work, came home to help Rennie finish with dinner preparations, bake and separate the bread starters into new bags and then I went to the grocery store at 9:00pm. I had just gotten home from double coupon Wednesdays at Ukrops just before 10:00. My thanks to Ann for the coupon match-up and the bread starter.

I now interrupt today’s post for a brief commercial break…Ann a faithful Ukrops employee and shopper has really won me over to Ukrops now that they double coupons, have there CLP deals and pretty decent sales to boot. All of that combined with Ann sharing her match-up for the week on her blog has been wonderful for me since I really live within walking distance to Ukrops. Now if there was a nice sidewalk and a shopping buddy to help me schlep (sp?) all my bargains home I’d really walk to the grocery store. Check out her weekly deal match-ups, usually posted on Tuesday, if you like to shop Ukrops or if you want to save money but didn't think you could shopping at Ukrops, and now back to our story of the end to my day.

Rennie had helped put away most of the groceries and I was looking to the last few items. I had already flipped the bread out of the pans. One dirty pan was in the sink and the second was sitting on the front burner of the stove where Rennie had set it when he pulled it out of the oven to cool. I should have put both pans in the sink, but didn’t for some reason. Maybe I had thought it still needed to cool a bit more or I was just tired and not being logical or effiecient? I sliced off a piece of the bread and turned on the stove to warm some water for my tea. I then turned back to finish putting away my reusable grocery bags and checking over my receipt. A couple minutes and I started hearing a heat popping noise and an odd burning sort of smell. I thought that my new copper tea kettle must be getting broken in or something? I turned around to see the empty Pyrex loaf pan sitting on a red hot burner! All I could seem to say was “Oh no!” I said this several times as I tried to collect my thoughts quickly, turn off the burner, find a hot pad and move the hot loaf pan between the burners on the stove top. Of course my worried husband came into the kitchen after I was unable to tell him why I was saying “Oh no!” I met him walking into the kitchen as I was pushing him to get out of the kitchen. I said I thought that the pan might explode and to get out of the kitchen. I knew that Pyrex was not intended for use on a stovetop plus I had read those email forwards about Pyrex exploding when baking too. Sure enough not ten seconds or maybe it was even less than five seconds after I said my warning the pan exploded.

Fortunately, no one was hurt. Lesson one I learned is do not put anything on the stove burner unless it really belongs there. Lesson two I learned is double or triple check to make sure that you have turned on the correct burner. Lesson three is that email you read about the possibility of Pyrex exploding is very possible. I don’t believe I’ll be replacing my Pyrex loaf pan. Maybe lesson four should be don't try to bake past 9pm lest you're too tired and have a kitchen disaster.

So, after getting the cleanup completed I had to throw away one loaf of the bread because it was right next to the explosion and I didn't want to take that chance. Fortunately though I've got plenty of starter. I offered my hubby some bread, but he didn’t want any. Then he asked if I would now have my cup of tea. I said no and that I didn’t want it anymore. Oh well not such a relaxing end to my day.

1 comment:

  1. Judi - Thanks again for the blog & Ukrop's shout-out. :) I am sorry about your pan. I can unfortunately relate. I have to admit though as I was sympathetic to your story I was also laughing. It will make a really good story in the future after all of the pieces are cleaned up and you have more fresh amish friendship bread to enjoy. :)

    One last thing - check out for variations of amish friendship bread. I have tried some of them and enjoyed every batch.
