Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trying to maintain self-control in the name of saving money

Happy New Year! I've been missing here at Lot 31 lately, but I'm trying to get back onboard with what's going on over here.

2009 wrapped up way faster than I could have imagined and to boot January is approaching that half way point ALREADY! Time sure flies whether you're having fun or not. Work for me has been BUSY since the beginning of the year, which I hope is a good sign. It does unfortunately mean that I anticipate bringing some work home here to Lot 31. Oh well, I guess paying the bills is somewhat important and I couldn't get as many grocery deals either.

Of course I'm like many who start the year off with great intentions and high hopes for change for the good. I think that one of the most important changes that I need to make is to reign in getting all of these "super deals". Don't misunderstand me to say that I don't believe in stockpiling, because I do. My good intentions to save and get the best prices I think has gotten a little off course. Some things that I have to remind myself is that deal is only good if (a) I need it (b) it's budgeted and (c) I have my cash with me. I am so guilty of letting myself fall prey to the line in my head that this is a deal that is too good to miss because I will be saving so much money, right? WRONG! Mary Hunt wrote recently in her column that when you buy that good deal you only save money (truly save) if and only if you take the money that you didn't spend on that item and go put it into your savings account. In other words that money that I "saved" when I bought the super deal will just get spent somewhere else.

So this is the question I have to ask myself. Do I need/want more stuff? If the answer is yes then that's okay to get more stuff. My problem has been that I want a bigger savings account as we look to the future. So there's where I am drawing a line in the sand. Okay grocery budget I get the point now and I will listen and behave myself.

Have you had any revelations about the money you are spending or saving?

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